Najib mendapat pendidikan rendah dan menengah di Institusi St. John, Kuala Lumpur, dan kemudian belajar di Kolej Lelaki Malvern di Worchestershire, England. Beliau mendapat Ijazah Sarjana Muda dengan Kepujian dalam bidang Ekonomi Industri daripada Universiti Nottingham, England pada tahun 1974. dan Nooryana Najwa Najib.
Saturday, 27 June 2009
Biografi Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak
Najib mendapat pendidikan rendah dan menengah di Institusi St. John, Kuala Lumpur, dan kemudian belajar di Kolej Lelaki Malvern di Worchestershire, England. Beliau mendapat Ijazah Sarjana Muda dengan Kepujian dalam bidang Ekonomi Industri daripada Universiti Nottingham, England pada tahun 1974. dan Nooryana Najwa Najib.
Thursday, 25 June 2009
Ikan Keli tin sos lada Hitam
Wednesday, 24 June 2009
Friday, 19 June 2009
where did the word 'Marijuana' come from?
Today in the U.S., hemp (meaning the roots, stalk, and stems of the cannabis plant) is legal to possess. No one can arrest you for wearing a hemp shirt, or using hemp paper. Marijuana (The flowers, buds, or leaves of the cannabis plant) is not legal to possess, and there are stiff fines and possible jail terms for having any marijuana in your possession. The seeds are legal to possess and eat, but only if they are sterilized (will not grow to maturity.)
Since it is not possible to grow the hemp plant without being in possession of marijuana, the United States does not produce any industrial hemp products, and must import them or, more often, substitute others. (There is a way to grow hemp legally, but it involves filing an application with the Drug Enforcement Administration and the DEA very rarely ever gives its permission.) This does not seem to have stopped people from producing and using marijuana, though. In many of the United States, marijuana is the number one cash crop, mostly because it fetches a very high price on the black market.
Skunk No1
Skunk No. 1
Also Known as:
“The Pure”
9 weeks
Easy to grow
Thursday, 18 June 2009
Cake yang di perbuat dari ganja di amsterdam
Space cakes cooked with hash, are served in some Dutch coffee shops and provide an alternative to smoking. Here is some general info about space cakes and space cookies in Amsterdam.
Some Coffeeshops offer space cakes as a good alternative to smoking. These are cookies, brownies or cake, containing hash or pure THC which was cooked with them. Most of the better shops did a great job and may even tell you the most important part: The secret is an even distribution of the hash in the cake, and the long, delayed release in the body.
Unfortunately, A lot of places stopped selling space cakes in recent years. The government acted against them because of the imprecise and inconsistent strength of each individual piece of cake. This problem was found at a relatively low number of careless shops. New rules have been set up to "control" the contents of space cakes and other baked cannabis products. Ask your favorite shop if they practice these rules too; more shops are again offering space cakes with better control and procedures in place.
The better the hash the better the space. The better the cake the better the whole experience: There is no way to know for sure how stoned you will be, so you may just feel it a little, or you may have hours of a great high experience.
Important: THC takes much longer to kick in through ingestion (through the stomach), so be patient! It may take an hour or more for you to feel anything, so don't start gobbling them up if you don't feel a thing after 15 minutes!
Artikel tentang Ganja di Indonesia
Ganja, atau marijuana, atau hashish, atau Cannabis, adalah sejenis tumbuhan yang mengandung zat Tetra Hydro Cannabinol (THC). Zat inilah yang memiliki efek menimbulkan euforia atau kegembiraan berlebihan tanpa sebab bagi yang mengkonsumsinya.
Menurut pendapat yang masih diperdebatkan, ganja TIDAK menimbulkan efek samping ketagihan seperti jenis dadah lain. Bahkan KONON nya boleh meningkatkan kreativiti.
salah satu alasan BNN melegalkan ganja adalah karena Belanda – negara penjajah panutan Indonesia itu – juga sudah melegalkannya. Tapi ternyata, siapa bilang?? BELANDA TERNYATA TIDAK MELEGALKAN GANJA! Telusuran hukumonline justru menyatakan sebaliknya. Belanda – negara penjajah panutan Indonesia itu – TIDAK melegalkan ganja.
Bahkan revisi tahun 1976 terhadap UU Opium Belanda menempatkan ganja ke dalam status illegal dan ada ancaman hukuman bagi produsen, penjual, serta penggunanya.
kebijakan Belanda yang demikian antara lain dimaksudkan untuk mencegah penghamburan biaya kriminalisasi penggunaan ganja.
Tapi memang, ada saja beberapa upaya untuk melegalkan ganja, seperti yang dilakukan Cannabis political parties. CPP merupakan salah satu organisasi rasmi di beberapa negara, termasuk Israel, Australia, Kanada, Spanyol, Inggris, Amerika Serikat, Irlandia dan Selandia Baru.
Lalu pertanyaan utamanya sekarang adalah, benarkan ganja lebih bermanafaat dari merosakkan?
Di dunia kedokteran ZAMAN DULU, ganja digunakan sebagai penenang atau penghilang rasa sakit. Tapi itu duluuu.. Sekarang sudah modern
Ada lagi manfaat ganja yang paling utama, MANFAAT EKONOMI, bagi petani dan pengedar ganja.
Ada mitos yang sampai saat ini masih dipercayai secara membabibuta oleh masyarakat Indonesia, bahwa hingga tahun 1980-an, di daerah Aceh ganja mudah ditemukan di tepi-tepi jalan dan daun ganja menjadi komponen sayur dan masih umum disajikan. Mitos ini sama sekali tidak benar. Survey ke masyarakat-masyarakat Aceh di pedalaman menunjukkan, sangat sedikit dari mereka yang pernah melihat pohon ganja, apalagi pernah merasakan yang namanya sayur ganja.
Wednesday, 17 June 2009
Pengambilan dan memiliki ganja adalah haram di kebanyakan negara, dan telah diselubungi kontroversi mengenai penggunaannya dalam perubatan. Ganja mengandungi lebih 420 bahan kimia dan kesannya kepada manusia bergantung kepada individu dan situasi. Ini menyebabkan kesan ganja agak sukar untuk diperhati dan dikaji.
Monday, 15 June 2009
Legelize Marijuana!
2009's 420 celebration at University of Colorado.
In Dunedin, New Zealand, students at Otago University and other cannabis law reform activists meet every Wednesday and Friday at 4:20pm under a Walnut tree on the Otago University Union Lawn to openly smoke cannabis in what they consider 'an act of protest' against 'New Zealand's unjust cannabis prohibition laws'. There was considerable media and Police interest in the '420' group in 2008, resulting in the arrest of a student and the issuance of trespass notices to members of the public at one of the 4:20pm meetings.